Just wanted to know if there is any interest in having me do this. If I hear a yes, I'll go ahead; otherwise I won't bother.
It's been a very busy week, but I'm hoping to have a little time to chat this Saturday (Oct. 21), since I'll be mostly gone the weekend before Halloween. So if anyone wants to talk a little Antigone, I'll be checking in -- and posting -- more often than usual on Saturday October 21st.
Okay. If anyone would like me to, just ask and I'd be happy to oblige; otherwise, I'll take it that this book really doesn't need summarizing. It might be different when we're reading novels; we'll see how people feel.
And now, having read halfway through the play and nary a scene or act division in sight, I realize that I would have had quite the job summarizing, since I basically would have had to just describe the whole danged play!